Going over the key reasons it’s worth it to fix your home before selling.

If you are looking to sell your home this year, you might be wondering what your options are. When you call us, we’ll come out to your house and give you a free, no-obligation, confidential market analysis. And, we’re going to give you 2 options. The first is we can list your property and put it on the market and you can get retail dollars. But, for the people who do not want the hassle and stress of putting their house on the market, we will give you a guaranteed as-is offer and we can buy your home. This helps you avoid showings, open houses, haggling with buyers, home inspections, repairs, appraisals, and lenders.

Along with that, you can close whenever you want, whether it’s in 7 days or 70 days. That’s very important. On top of that, you can take what you want and leave the rest.

I hear it all the time. I ask people, “Why have you not sold your home?” and their response is usually, “We have all this stuff and we didn’t know what to do with it.” I can take care of that for you. You can take what you want and leave the rest.

Now, for the people that want to list, our marketing plan is the best in the business. A lot of people got lazy during COVID and they didn’t have to do the marketing because houses were selling so easily, but things have changed. Marketing your home is of the utmost importance in today’s environment. We put your house on television. I’m the only person I know who does that.

Your house will have its own television spot. It’s seen on the weekend by tens and thousands of people. We put you on thousands of websites and we also put you all over social media.

I always recommend sellers reach out to us before making a decision, so you know what your options are.. If you’re looking to sell your home in 2024, just give us a call or send me an email. We’d love to hear from you!